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(Sign-On Letter) The Labor Movement Urges Legislators to Swiftly Pass Drive SAFE Legislation

Updated: Jun 20, 2023

June 1, 2023

The Labor Movement Is In Solidarity With Michigan’s Immigrant Community And Urge Legislators To Swiftly Pass Drive SAFE Legislation

Dear Senate Majority Leader Winnie Brinks and House Speaker Joe Tate,

Famous immigrant labor activist and songwriter, Joe Hill, once said, “there is power in a union.” These words demonstrate the long history immigrants have in the labor movement and improving the lives of the working-class people of this nation. Especially in Michigan, a state famous for its history as a labor union state. Now at a time when immigrants are facing attacks on all fronts, us within the labor movement proudly state that we in solidarity with the immigrant community and echo their demands to restore Michigan’s driver's licenses for all via the passage of the Drive SAFE bills (HB 4410, HB 4411, HB 4412 / SB 0265, SB 0266, SB 0267).

Not having access to a driver’s license brings fear, stress, and unnecessary harm to our undocumented loved ones. Everyone deserves the opportunity to apply for a driver’s license, especially in the state of Michigan where our infrastructure was built primarily around the automobile. To our folks in the immigrant community, a driver’s license is more than just a permit to drive. It is the key to social mobility, better academic opportunities, and a testament that Michigan is also their home, and they will not be separated from their home due to a simple traffic stop. Undocumented Michiganders used to have access to driver's licenses, and it's time to restore this right.

We, workers, know we are not alone in echoing the demands of the immigrant community. Voters in general agree and the 2022 election results are proof of this statement. Some Democrats campaigned on the promise to restore access to licenses and as a result voters handed them a trifecta. Now it is time for legislators to deliver and pass the Drive SAFE bills.


Labor Unions

  • Statewide Organized United Labor (SOUL) of Michigan United and Michigan People’s Campaign

  • We The Workers Union of We the People Michigan

  • Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition Workers Union

Individual Signatories

  • Daniel Caracheo Teniente, Member of the SOUL of Michigan United and Michigan People’s Campaign

  • Stephanie Nauta, Member of the SOUL of Michigan United and Michigan People’s Campaign

  • Ivan Diaz, Member of the SOUL of Michigan United and Michigan People’s Campaign

  • Maria Fournier, Member of the SOUL of Michigan United and Michigan People’s Campaign

  • Stuart inahuazo, Member of the SOUL of Michigan United and Michigan People’s Campaign

  • Diego Navarrete, Member of the We The Workers Union of We the People Michigan

  • Gabriela Alcazar, Member of the Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition Workers Union

  • Cameron Harrison, Member of the UFCW Local 876

  • Joshua Medina, Member of the Teamster local 243

  • Beck Kaster, Member of the UAW Local 600

  • Reid Hulleza, Member of the Graduate Employees' Organizing Committee — American Federation of Teachers Local Local 6123

  • Ian Anderson, Member of the Newspaper Guild of Detroit, CWA Local 34022

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